The story revolves around Haruka Nanase, a boy who has always loved to be immersed in water, and to swim in it. Before graduating from elementary school, he participated in a swimming ...
Yona of the Dawn
Yona of the Dawn
The legend of the Four Dragons and the origin of the land has been passed down for generations in the land of Kouka. Currently, Hiryuu Palace has no one else next in line for the throne ...
Cardcaptor Sakura
Cardcaptor Sakura
Sakura Kinomoto, an elementary school student who discovers that she possesses magical powers after accidentally freeing a set of magical cards from the book they had been sealed in for ...
Kamisama Kiss
Kamisama Kiss
Nanami was just a normal high school girl down on her luck until a stranger’s lips marked her as the new Land God and turned her world upside down. Now, she’s figuring out the duties of ...